David & Bette Stahl

Summary of Torah Portion - Numbers 24:5

According to the Rabbis, Balaam was one of seven non-Israelite prophets. (One list also includes Balaam's father, as well as Job and the four friends who came to "comfort" him. Another list includes Adam and Noah.)

God does not speak only to Israel, but the Rabbis detect important differences in the way God speaks to Israelite prophets: R. Hama the son of R. Hanina said, "To the prophets of the world, the Holy One appears with half-speech only; but to the prophets of Israel, with complete speech, clear speech, affectionate speech."

We should like the prophecy of Balaam, as related in this week's Torah portion, Parashat Balak, because there is no reproof in it, only praise of Israel.

How rarely do we find that in the words of Israelite prophets! And indeed, Balaam's words are the first to be recited when we enter a synagogue: "How fair are your tents, O Jacob,/Your dwellings, O Israel!" (Numbers 24:5)