David and Melissa Chenin

SUMMARY OF Numbers 22:2-25:9
Many people have trouble remembering who’s who in Parshat Balak. So let’s introduce them.
Balak is the king of Moab. He saw what the Israelites did to Sihon and Og at the end of Parshat Chukat. He is concerned that the Children of Israel are about to also conquer his country.
Balaam is hired by Balak to curse the Jewish people.
After Balaam’s refusal in the previous aliyah, Balak tries again. Balak sends another delegation to Balaam. This time God tells Balaam he may go to Balak. However, he must only do what God tells him he may do.
Balaam gets up the next morning, saddles his donkey, and starts his journey to Balak.
Balaam’s action provoked God’s anger and He sent an angel to block his way. Balaam did not see the angel, but his donkey did.
Three times the angel blocked Balaam’s path and three times the donkey tried to avoid the angel. After the third blockage, God opened the donkey’s mouth and let her defend her actions. Only then did God allow Balaam to see the angel.
Balaam is permitted to continue his journey. But when he finally meets Balak, he admits that he can only say the words God permits him to say. In other words, he will not be able to curse Israel.
Balak takes Balaam to a lookout where they can see the edge of the Jewish camp.
Balaam tells Balak to build seven altars and offer on them seven bulls and seven rams.
God gives Balaam a message of blessing which Balaam then tells to Barak. Barak is outraged that Balaam has not cursed the Children of Israel.
Balak takes Balaam to a different lookout where they can see another edge of the Jewish camp.
Balak built seven altars and offered on them seven bulls and seven rams.
God gives Balaam a different message of blessing which Balaam then tells to Barak. Not surprising, but Barak is again outraged that Balaam has not cursed the Children of Israel.
Balak takes Balaam to yet another lookout point. From here they look out over a wasteland.
Balaam tells Balak to build seven altars and offer on them seven bulls and seven rams.
Balaam tries to deliver a curse on his own. However, the spirit of God came over him and Balaam blesses the Jewish people. Barak hears the blessing is again outraged.
Balak orders Balaam to return to his home.
But Balaam doesn’t go straight home. He first decides to share with Balak some advice and what is going to happen to Moab at the “end of days.”
He then shares short visions concerning Moab, Edom, Seir, Amalek, Kenites, and Assyria.
The last nine verses of the parsha describe the Children of Israel sinning with the women of Moab. They committed idolatry and sexual immorality.
God sent a plague that killed 24,000 Israelites. It ended when Pinchus killed an Israelite man and a Midianite woman. Their identities will be revealed in Parshat Pinchus.