CNT Torah Project
The Chernikoff Family

CNT Members Elaine and Jack Chernikoff and their son Neil Chernikoff, commissioned the first new Torah for CNT in loving memory of their son and brother Harvey Alan Chernikoff. Harvey was born with learning disabilities and tragically passed away in 2011 at the age of 51. Harvey was happiest when he attended Synagogue.

The Torah Scribe

The Chernikoff family reached out to Sofer on Site, a group of Sofers, or Torah Scribes, and commissioned the creation of a new Torah in honor of their son Harvey. It takes a Sofer about a year to create a Torah by hand using the traditional and ancient steps exactly as Torahs were written thousands of years ago. Sofer on Site's President Rabbi Moshe Druin visited Congregation Ner Tamid on several occasions to have donors and congregations help complete the Torah by inscribing one letter at a time.

CNT Torah Project
CNT Torah Project
About the CNT Torah Project

The CNT Torah Project was created to share this once-in-a-lifetime Mitzvah with the entire CNT community.
Members were invited to sponsor an entire book of special stories and unique passages, weekly parshas, and Torah verses as a way to support the creation of the new Torah and to share in the actual writing of letters on the Torah parchment.
Please click here to learn more about how you can still participate in this beautiful Mitzvah!